Selecting a Realtor in the Bay Area

Real estate agents are not the same.  Just because you have a sister-in-law or brother-in-law who is a Realtor, it does not mean that she or he will be the best person to buy or sell a house for you.  Most people choose a real estate agent because the agent: 1) is a friend or relative, 2) is a referral from a friend or relative, 3) sent them a mailer with neighborhood home sales, 4) sold a house down the street, or 5) met them at an open house.  Most people don’t interview several real estate agents and go with the first agent who gives them a fancy proposal with an attractive list price or who tells their potential client they can find them their dream home.  This may not obtain you the most desired outcome.  

It is important to make a critical decision like choosing a real estate agent based on many factors and it is important to interview several. Here’s what are on my list as a seller:

  1. Have they sold real estate in my neighborhood recently?
  2. Did they obtain a good price for it?
  3. How many houses do they close each year?
  4. What are their reviews on Zillow and Yelp?
  5. Do they live close by?
  6. What is their commission rate?
  7. Will they pay for staging, reports, any repairs?
  8. What is their expectation of price?
  9. What is their marketing strategy?
  10. Do I feel they will be aggressive marketers/sellers or passive?

I usually represent myself when I purchase a home (since I am a broker), but here’s what I would use if I was selecting a buyer’s agent:

  1. How familiar are they with the area you want to purchase?  Will they know the pros and cons of the area and each street?
  2. How many houses do they close each year?
  3. What will be their strategy to help me buy my dream home (on-market and off-market)?

I have used quite a few real estate agents in the past to sell my various homes and do have relationships with many.  Each have had their own pros and cons.  If you need some referrals, please email me a paragraph or list of what is important to you in a real estate agent.